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FBBS .091 Folder
Read Me 0.91
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231 lines
This is FBBS version 0.91
(c)1990, Fernando Borcel
This preliminary version package contains:
x FBBS v0.91
x Change UserFile 0.8 -> 0.9
x "Sample Files" folder
x FBBS v0.9 Manual (in MSWord 3.0 format)
If you were running FBBS v0.83 or earlier, you must change the format
of the UserFile with "Change UserFile 0.8 -> 0.9". Place the application
in the same folder as FBBS and launch "Change UserFile 0.8 -> 0.9." It will
take the old user file from "FBBS Files" folder and convert it to the new
format. It will create a file called "UserFile 0.8x", which is a copy of
the old user file.
The "Sample Files" folder contains all the Text Files FBBS currently
uses. These files can be transfered into the "FBBS Files" folder after
FBBS creates it, to help you set up the program. Modifying the way the
files look is ENCOURAGED.
The manual is provided in MSWord format. Just as FBBS, the manual is a
pre-release. Effort has been made to ensure it's readable, clear and has
few errors and inconsistencies.
Software and Hardware requirements:
FBBS Requires at least 128K ROMs (i.e. Mac 512Ke or newer). A hard disk
and 1Meg of memory are strongly recommended, but not absulutely necessary.
FBBS is MultiFinder friendly, and it prefers System version 6.0.3 or newer
when running together with TabbyNet. If you're not running Tabby then you
may use System version 4.1 or newer.
FBBS is 100% MultiFinder friendly. It will run transparently in the background.
Be aware that if you use "processor intensive" or "disk intensive" programs as
you run FBBS, these may have an effect upon FBBS's speed, because they take
over the computer for much longer than they should.
New additions:
x Messages are word-wrapped to fit a certain column width when they are
imported as echo mail or by the sysop, (wraped to fit 80 columns)
and when messages are "quoted" (wapped to fit 60 columns).
x First stage of Remote SysOp functions is complete: A sysop can edit
This new feature will be documented in the future official release. To
access this menu enter a * at the Main Menu, followed by a carriage
x Events are handled in the background better than before.
x Disk space is now checked before saving a user or writing a message.
x SysOp can Paste text to the modem. In terminal mode text is sent straight
to the modem. In BBS mode text is sent to the board. That way you can
paste text to the message editor, while chatting, etc.
x Terminal mode now has Echo.
x Data is now sent asynchroneously to the modem. (Control returns to FBBS
immediately after sending something through the modem, so you can do things
on the Mac even as data is being transmitted).
Future Additions:
x More Remote SysOp functions: Edit Message Boards, File Sections,
and being able to replace a file with another (ie. to replace logon
files, new user files, etc.)
x External Applications. Will support FBBS, Mansion, WWIV, and RRH
formats, and VBBS when it comes out.
x More file built-in transfer protocols. Hooks for external file doors.
x Support for extended characters.
x Polish up the Mac user interface (activate BBS Monitor's scroll bars,
cut, copy, etc.)
x Customizable questionnaire.
and much more!
If you find any other bugs, you may report them at:
Snail Mail to:
Fernando Borcel
P.O. Box 3004-110
Corvallis, OR 97339
NetMail at LateNight BBS:
Fernando Borcel at 1:152/208 (503) 757-8968
Please tell me what machine you're using, what system and finder versions,
and multifinder, if present. Tell me what you suspect the problem to be,
if it occurs consistently, etc. Make sure to mention if any INIT's or
plug-in cards were present and running at that time, and anything else you
may consider of significance.
Changes from v0.83 to v0.90
x Files Section.
x Message importing (when using Tabby) and saving were sped up quite
a bit.
x Message bases will be updated after the user logs off. This makes
saving messages and changing message boards much faster!
x Message numbers will be updated once a day, so that in all bases they
begin at 1 and go up in sequence.
x Tabby events will be delayed during local mode, chat, and terminal
x No idle time checking in local mode. So the sysop won't get logged off
while at his or her own Mac!
Changes from v0.82 to v0.83
Bugs Fixed:
x There was a little wrap around bug (well, not really a bug) that would
wrap the last word typed if the character entered in the 80th column
was a space. Now it just goes to the next line.
x Message quoting. You can include text from the message you're replying
to in your messages.
x Replaced some menu items by icons, added indicators:
x Clicking on the "User Name" will bring up a window with information
about the user. This is much faster than pulling it from the UserEdit
x The "Req." box, when hilighted, indicates that the user requested chat
with the sysop.
x Clicking on the "Chat On" box will put the sysop in chat mode.
Click it again to get out of chat mode.
x The little watches with the plus and the minus sign add and substract
five minutes to/from the user's time left, respectively.
x Use of the Mac's International Utilities Package to display dates. FBBS
will now use the language your Mac is set to when a date is shown.
Changes from v0.81 to v0.82
Bug Fixes:
x FBBS user search would crash when having more than 100 users, due to heavy
use of recursion and running out of stack space. Recursion has been elimina-
ted, and that will keep the stack from running into the heap causing very
nasty problems.
x v0.81 was case sensitive with message header names. Therefore, "JOHN" and
"John" would be two different things. (This would only happen with echomail
and netmail messages). This version doesn't care about case.
x Some fixes in creation of new boards: User flags are now updated correctly.
x Due to a little "inconsistency" in the Macintosh Time Manager, Scheduled
Tabby events couldn't be executed. You will need System 6.0.3 or newer to
be able to execute TabbyNet scheduled events.
x "Scan messages for you" got replaced by a "Scan Token" function. You can
scan messages wich contain a certain string in their header.
x Echomail messages are marked "Deleted" as they're processed.
x Messages get saved much faster (esp. on larger bases).
x Forced HangUp: You can now hang up on a user in three different ways:
"Out of Time" will tell the user that the time is out; "No Message" will
simply hang up, with no explanation, and my favorite one, "Send Noise", will
send 10 seconds of noise before hanging up.
x Real Name Posting: When this flag is set in a message board, messages
will be posted with the user's real name, rather than the "Username"), which
may be just a handle. This is especially useful in many national fidonet
conferences where handles are discouraged.
x Trashcan: A file which contains handles, real names, and/or phone numbers
of "undesirables" was added. It's called "Trashcan". "Trashcan Message"
contains a message to be displayed to those undesirables. The syntax used
is explained inside the Trashcan file.
Changes from v0.8 to v0.81:
x You can use an alternate menu for mesg. bases. Just enter the name of
the menu file you want to use, which MUST be in "FBBS Files" folder. The
default menu is still "Mesg Menu".
x Quite a few glitches in interfacing with Tabby have been fixed. The Tabby
interface section is virtually completed.
x Changed UserFile structure to include a "Messages Waiting" field, to make
the search for new messages as fast as displaying the boards where there
are messages waiting!
x Faster Message Board change.
x Faster search for a message number.
x Faster import of Net (Tabby) messages.